On this Flash Back Friday, originally aired as episode 959 in February 2018, Jason talks about how housing isn’t simply the purchase price but the monthly payments. He continues a client study case with Scott who lives in Washington DC. Scott previously owned retail commercial properties but sold them and shifted into residential real estate. They go into his transition and why he made the change. Then he talks about his experience with 1031 Exchanges.

Jason Hartman 0:00
Welcome to this week’s edition of flashback Friday, your opportunity to get some good review by listening to episodes from the past that Jason is hand picked to help you today in the present, and propel you into the future. Enjoy.

Announcer 0:15
Welcome to the creating wealth show with Jason Hartman. You’re about to learn a new slant on investing some exciting techniques and fresh new approaches to the world’s most historically proven asset class that will enable you to create more wealth and freedom than you ever thought possible. Jason is a genuine self made multi millionaire who’s actually been there and done it. He’s a successful investor, lender, developer and entrepreneur who’s owned properties in 11 states had hundreds of tenants and been involved in thousands of real estate transactions. This program will help you follow in Jason’s footsteps on the road to your financial independence day. You really can do it on now. Here’s your host Jason Hartman with the complete solution for real estate investors.

Jason Hartman 1:05
Welcome listeners from 165 countries worldwide. This is your host Jason Hartman with episode number 959 959. Thank you so much for joining me today as we have yet another client case study. A lot of you met Scott, and maybe Kelly at several of our events. Scott was at meet the masters. I don’t believe Kelly came with him. But they are a young couple that is doing great things with their real estate portfolio. You’re going to hear about it today. They have moved from shopping centers, to single family homes. And I know what some of you might be thinking, why would you do that? Don’t you want to own a bunch of shopping centers and be a bigwig? Maybe not, you know, housing is where it’s at folks. Housing is where tap that is where You should be. I’ve told you all the reasons over the years over the last 14 years I’ve been saying, you know, they can always outsource all the office jobs offshore. They can outsource the manufacturing offshore, they can outsource the retail to the internet. And all of this has a huge impact. But everybody still needs a place to live. It’s a fundamental human need. What are the three fundamental human needs? Food, clothing and love? Happy Valentine’s Day, by the way, everybody? It is Valentine’s Day. No, it’s actually food, clothing and shelter, and food, clothing and shelter. But I will tell you, I was kind of hoping the day here today would fall on a 10th episode show because I have a special Valentine’s Day episode for you. And I guess we will run that is episode number 916. Coming up. Remember every 10th episode, every show that ends in a zero, we run something of general interest in Hey, love is of general interest right to all of humanity. Well, almost, we will run our Valentine’s Day show a little late. But hey, it’s better Nathan lever. I mean, like the never. We’re going to get to our case study today. That’s what we’re going to do. That’s what we’re going to do. But first, I want to tell you a few things. The good old National Association of Realtors, you know them that largest trade group in the world with like 1.4 million members. Yeah, they’re big. They’re big. We’ve had their chief economist on the show before. We’ll have them back again to talk about stuff but they’re out with some new research as they are all the time. today. They just published it nearly two thirds of us housing markets. See home prices hit in all Time high, while housing inventory hits an all time low. And I know what some of you are thinking.

Jason Hartman 4:11
Is it a bubble? Jason? Is it a Bubble Pop? No, it’s not a bubble yet, but it will be eventually. So sit tight. Stay tuned. I’ll let you know when I think it’s a bubble. But hey, what do I know? I don’t even know. Nobody knows. You know, nobody knows. The head of the Federal Reserve doesn’t know, the President of the United States doesn’t know. NAR certainly doesn’t know. JOHN burns doesn’t know Jeff Meyers doesn’t know Jason Hartman doesn’t know. But you know, we can get some clues here and there can’t wait. The question is not what is the price of the home? The question is, compared to what is it an all time high compared to the monthly mortgage payment The home or is it an all time high compared to the price of the home? See there in lies the problem, as you know, because you are a sophisticated smart investor, because you listen to my show, you’d have to be smart and sophisticated to listen to my show. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to keep up with the superior information we are. We are sharing here. Okay, so I yeah, I don’t know. I get kind of goofy sometimes, don’t I? So people buy house on a payment, not a price. In fact, I don’t care what the price is. If the payment is low enough. That’s what they’re buying. They’re buying a payment. So it is not at a all time high based on the payment. And then you have to ask, geographically. Where are you talking about two thirds. Two thirds of us housing markets well is that of the Case Shiller 20 or is it all 400 ish housing markets nationwide? And that is the question we need to ask, right? We need to know this stuff because the Case Shiller is heavily loaded. In fact, three fourths of the Case Shiller 20 are cyclical, bubble oriented, crazy markets that I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole. In fact, where do you think that saying came from? Do a lot of people carry around like, in the old days, when someone came up with a 10 foot pole saying, did people carry around 10 foot poles and decide not to touch things? I don’t know. It’s goofy. Funny saying, right. Okay, so consumer satisfaction research. Yeah, that’s boring. Who cares about that? You know, these groups are always doing surveys to say how great they are. Right? I’m not going to share anything with that with you. But this one’s in Also from NAR housing affordability decline from a year ago in December, moving the index down 2.3%. Moving it down 2.3% from a year ago and this is December to December obviously it’s it’s not December anymore as we know, because, hey, there’s a clue. It’s Valentine’s Day. We know that’s not in December don’t wait. So, yeah, housing affordability declining, but still in the linear markets, it’s not far off. housing affordability is still pretty good. And that’s why inventory is so low and the market is booming. In the cyclical markets, though. Man, there’s going to be a bloodbath. Some people are going to get hurt. They’re going to get hurt. I’m telling you, watch out. You know, we’ve got this event coming up in Silicon Valley, March 3, San Jose, hope you’re going to be there and join us for Jason Hartman University. Go to Jason Hartman University did an art calm and One of our clients, Greg, who was at meet the Masters, of course, and many of our other events. He sent me a voxer message this morning and he said, Jason, I will be there on March 3 in Silicon Valley. And I am trying to get some of my California friends to come in here what you have to say. And I just can’t peel them away from thinking now, he didn’t exactly say this. I am I’m using some poetic license. So let me run with it. Because this was the gist of it. I can’t peel them away from the fact that they think they are all brilliant geniuses, because they speculate on a house in a cyclical market, and the price went up. And you know, the old saying, you’ve heard me say it, I don’t know if this is actually an old saying like that 10 foot pole thing, but at least I say this every Everybody’s a genius and a bull market, aren’t they? Everybody’s a genius in a bull market. A rising tide floats all ships. You’ve heard that one right? I didn’t make that one up that everybody’s a genius and bull market. That could be me. I don’t know. I’m not sure. I’m not going to take credit because I’m not sure. I deserve credit. But anyway, you know, if I was Bill Clinton, I would take credit for everything, even though I didn’t do it. If I was Obama went to so I picked on the democrats check. What else can I do today? Okay, yeah, we’re gonna have our client case study. We talked about some NAR stats. Those are interesting course. I look forward to seeing you in Silicon Valley, San Jose, March 3. Jason Hartman calm or Jason Hartman University calm and this is a great event will only have it once this year. I think you will learn the math of real estate you’ll learn how to do the math. In fact, that’s another thing that Greg said to me said, you know, these California people, they just don’t know how to do math. Now, he didn’t mean that broadly. But if they knew how to analyze a real estate deal, they would never invest in these total fluff crazy nutty markets. What goes up? must come down. Hey, that’s an old saying to like that 10 foot pole thing. So yeah, just remember that the higher they fly, the harder they fall. All of these markets will eventually fall, how much longer can they go? Nobody knows for sure. But believe me, they’re not going to go forever. So that’s what you got to know about that. So linear markets, where the conservative, prudent real investors invest. That’s where you want to be. Let’s go to part one. And let’s talk to Scott about how he went on his real estate investing journey that started just 10 years ago. That’s it in 10 short years, just did an exchange exchanging one of his commercial properties for 30 I think 37 No, no, not on the exchange. He bought some others from us before the exchange, and then a bunch more during the 1031 exchange. So it’s good stuff. The most tax favored asset class in America, the most historically proven asset class in the world. And guess what? You can find those those great things at Jason Hartman comm slash properties. Jason hartman.com slash properties. All right, Jason, stop talking. Get to the guest part one plant case study, Scott and Kelly, you’re gonna love this. Here we go.

Jason Hartman 11:42
Hey, I want to bring to you another case study. We have a couple of wonderful clients that volunteered to be on the show. And they’ve got a big story and just a great outlook and attitude on real estate investing and the long background in the income property investing world from Commercial to residential. So we’ll talk about that transition now. It is Scott and Kelly. They live in Washington, DC. And Scott, welcome. How are you? Hey, Jason. I’m excellent. How are you? Yeah, good. Good. It’s good to have you on the show. Thank you for coming on and sharing your story. Give us a little bit of your background, you and your wife and you know, just kind of tell us about that. And then we’ll dive into your story.

Scott 12:22
Yeah, sure. Kelly and I are kind of your typical, hard working, well educated people. We went to graduate school, we got jobs in the corporate world. And then when the real estate market crash came along, we came across an opportunity to buy a portfolio of shopping centers. And so in 2009, we acquired five shopping centers, and tried to shepherd them through the real estate crash. And we were able to do that. And recently we’ve been selling off the shopping centers and converting to a more residential. Mm hmm.

Jason Hartman 12:55
Cool. So Scott, first of all, everybody’s gonna you know, they’re baking. has a question that everyone’s baking task probably is, how did you get the money to acquire all those shopping centers? That’s a pretty good head start, isn’t it? Or no, you know, sometimes these kind of stories can surprise you a bit.

Scott 13:13
We get lucky. This is a person that I had worked for doing their bookkeeping when I was in college, and in contact with them over the years. And when the real estate crash came, this individual was really looking forward to retiring and selling all the property. And suddenly they weren’t able to. And so they were looking at holding a portfolio of shopping centers through another business cycle. And the way it was looking is going to be quite a long one. And so I was just having a conversation with this person and said, you know, if you really want to sell those things and retire, why don’t you sell them to me? And so he did, and he sold Kelly and I the entire portfolio. No money down.

Jason Hartman 13:56
Wow. Oh my gosh, that’s fantastic. What a What an amazing started. So when you say you worked for him, was he in the business of being a landlord? Or was there another business? What do you mean by that?

Scott 14:10
Yeah, he was fully in the business of investment, real estate, okay. And I was just doing his bookkeeping and collecting rents from tenants while I was going to undergrad.

Jason Hartman 14:21
And fantastic, what an amazing story. So here is the secret, then folks, the thing you can take from this is go to work for some big time real estate investor, do the bookkeeping, so you know the numbers. And then when the next recession hits, let’s see if he can buy it. It’s great story. Totally awesome. So these were, you know, retail shopping centers. So interesting, you know, during the Great Recession, were you worried about the retail Apocalypse, as they call it now? Did you see it coming? I was just kind of wondering what was your outlook? What was Kelly’s outlook on that? At the time?

Scott 14:57
Yeah, we were definitely concerned. We had You know, careers that were based on, you know, graduate degrees and all this that we’ve been working on for decades, or about decade and a half. And we had to make the decision to give up on both of those careers and go full time into managing shopping centers. So yes, we were very concerned about all the risks associated with that. But in the end, we found that we didn’t have that much difficulty. I mean, retail is definitely changing. But all neighborhoods need a barber and a beautician and a nail salon and a liquor store and those kinds of things and that kind of neighborhood strip centers that we have, they’ve survived, okay,

Jason Hartman 15:35
right, right, because they don’t have the big box and the other stuff that’s affected by the online, online takeover retail, and you know, I got to tell you, it concerns me, the typical thing that happens in every business is you get whenever you get some big player, they’ll come in and essentially by the market by undercutting it. auto companies do this. You know, Uber has done this. Yeah, I mean, you know, it’s a common practice and but right by the market, even if you have to run at a loss or you know, just very low profits by the market, kill your competitors, and then raise the prices and abuse your customers. And you know, that’s sort of a typical story. So that concerns me very much about, you know, big centralized power like Amazon. Any thoughts on that? Just as as a tangent?

Scott 16:20
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. These tech companies are able to run at a loss for years and years in a row. And somehow their stock price goes up, and they’re able to generate more funds from investors. And so it really would concern me if I was a grocery store, Amazon was coming in to the grocery market. I would be very concerned because, you know, a local grocery store chain just isn’t able to raise money that way. Yeah.

Jason Hartman 16:47
Right. They don’t have the scale. That’s what sort of perverse about the marketplace and the way the venture capital system works and, and so forth, isn’t it?

Scott 16:54
Oh, absolutely. And you know, it’s scary being a small business person, when you’re going up against corporations. who, you know, have tax advantages? Maybe smaller business just doesn’t have, or the ability to borrow funds at rates are much lower than small business has always been scary. But you kind of hope that being nimble and taking your own talent and really putting it into something full time that you’ll be able to find a way find a niche in the market. And we were able to do that. Yeah,

Jason Hartman 17:22
yeah, good stuff. Okay, good. That’s obviously a tangent. But it does concern me for I mean, for the customers from a customer perspective, the mostly you know, why and when did you get the idea that you should sell the shopping centers, or at least some of them and then buy residential properties by single family homes and tell us about that evolution?

Scott 17:43
Sure. Well, it was never our goal to be full time owners of shopping centers. It’s just an opportunity that was too good to say no to that we decided to take on. Really what we want to do is just have a nice life and not work too hard. And these particular shopping centers took a lot of effort to run. Or the reason for that is they were in parts of town where it’s hard to hire professionals to come and do the management for us. And so we had to do our own property management. And so part of the reason that we’re selling the shopping centers and exchanging them for single family homes, is that we’ll be able to get property management with these portfolios of homes, so that we don’t have to do so much work ourselves. Right, right. Okay. Okay, good.

Jason Hartman 18:27
What did you do? And when did you do it? Well, I guess maybe the first question is, when did you discover I guess you discovered my podcast, you you and Kelly came to a couple of events.

Scott 18:36
Tell us about that. One thing that happens when you don’t have a real estate background that you instantly buy, you know, very expensive portfolio of real estate. realize you don’t know anything about this field you have to learn. So I didn’t really have friends in the real estate field. So I was looking for resources. And podcasts was really something that I could do on my own schedule, and get information about the real estate market. Without having to you know, know any individuals or pay for classwork or anything like that. Just really convenient. Since we bought this portfolio, I started listening to your podcast in 2009. And we were sold on the idea we really liked the idea of turnkey single family, especially as a way to grow our portfolios time went on. And so in 2012, we bought our first property in Memphis, for your group. Now, Kelly was not as excited as I was at the time about it. So I had to convince her so I had to invest with my own money. So I actually use my IRA and purchased a single family home and my IRA, and it’s worked out great.

Jason Hartman 19:41
So this is interesting. So your wife wasn’t excited about it. So she says, Hey, use your own money in your retirement account that you had before we were.

Scott 19:54
If you want to

Jason Hartman 19:56
do it, honey, put your money where your mouth is. Don’t put my money there.

Scott 20:01
There’s, there’s not a lot of money that’s just mine, you know, it’s ours, you know, but and this is, you know, I think a lot of marriages probably work this way. But my my retirement fund is something that I squirreled away on my own. And I really thought I was going to work it out and to prove the point. You know, I went in I bought a house. Yeah. And it worked. Yeah,

Jason Hartman 20:21
yeah. Good stuff. You came to our Memphis one of our Memphis property tours, right? And you bought one property. That’s, that’s it. Just one.

Scott 20:29
Initially. I just bought one. Okay. And then the next year, I think we bought one more. And then the year after that, we bought two more and then the after that, we bought another two more.

Jason Hartman 20:41
Okay. Were those all Memphis by the way? Were you staying in that same order? Amen. Okay, okay, so you just have doubling down in Memphis for a while. And what happened the year after that you were about to say

Scott 20:51
you after that was last year. And so last year we bought 12 in Memphis, we bought 15 and Jackson and we bought for an open Houma city. Okay, cool.

Jason Hartman 21:01
So you’ve got through our group. Now, Scott, what do you have about 36 properties or something like that?

Scott 21:07
3737. Okay, good. And what happened last year, that was the big change of acquiring all these additional properties. They really happened on the commercial side, we saw that interest rates look like they’re starting to go up. And commercial real estate is valued primarily by the cap rate, or the return rate that people can expect when they purchase it. And so when the interest rate goes up, that will deteriorate the value of the shopping center, as far as your ability to sell it. And so we saw interest rates coming up, they’re still low at the time last year. So we decided to sell the shopping center and switch over into residential primarily because residential prices are still a bit low. I think there’s a lot of opportunity to pick up value there. And also it looks like homes are going up in value kind of quickly. Whereas shopping center Going down in value as the interest rate rises. So it’s just a good time to take advantage of the difference between the two markets.

Jason Hartman 22:08
I couldn’t agree with you more, by the way, I think that’s very insightful that the residential market just has a much better future than retail properties do. We talked about the retail Apocalypse, obviously, you know, most people understand what’s going on there. But at the end of the day, you know, Scott, like I will say, everybody needs a place to live. And that is just not going to change. Right?

Scott 22:32
Absolutely. And, you know, the markets we’re buying in a robust markets there, the population is stable and growing, and the values are stable and growing. It’s not like we’re just buying residential anyway. We’re buying in good markets, right. You know, one of the other benefits Jason is with our shopping centers. They’re all located in one geographic area. But with this residential, we’re able to diversify across three different markets,

Jason Hartman 22:56
right. So you’ve got you’ve reduced your risk by diversifying Like that, that’s one of the other good reasons it’s good to not have, you know, like one lump of an expensive property or, or anything like that. Because you can definitely diversify. geographically. All real estate is local, as I like to say. Certainly not my saying that’s an old saying, and but, but Yeah, it does. It does allow you to do that. But you know, Scott, I mean, you and Kelly, as you were thinking of doing a 1031 exchange on, you know, shopping centers, and you were also, you know, just buying real estate before you did the first exchange. You could have done anything. I mean, you could have adopted numerous different strategies you live in Washington, DC, that’s obviously an expensive cyclical market. Why not just invest right around the corner from where you live?

Scott 23:50
Well, you know, we try to invest with the investment makes sense. And so in the case of the properties that we acquired from you guys, we were able to make sure that we get a nice Return, that they’re in good solid markets where we know will get that return over a long period of time. And we have property management in place, we don’t actually have to do the work ourselves to run the property. Right.

Jason Hartman 24:12
So let’s talk a little bit about property management with the shopping centers. You did your own management By the way, what do you still own in terms of retail properties? And what did you sell? Did you only sell one of the centers or two of them?

Scott 24:25
We sold three of them last year we sold one in years gone by so we’re just down to one less shopping center. Okay, got it. Got it.

Jason Hartman 24:32
Yeah. And by the way, isn’t the 1031 tax deferred exchange? Just a beautiful thing?

Scott 24:38
It is so great. Yeah, it’s gonna do so much good for us. Having done this exchange last year. I’m just thrilled. Yeah, good, good stuff. You don’t even realize some of these benefits until you do it yourself. Yeah, the benefits for our depreciation are just amazing. And I did last year, if I were to do it in 2018, it would be even better.

Jason Hartman 24:58
You mean because you got to Restart the clock on your depreciation and plus the residential properties have a shorter depreciation schedule, it’s about 25% shorter, which means you get more tax benefit more quickly. Right?

Scott 25:11
Right. And the life of my investment is probably not going to be 40 years long. So in the case of a commercial depreciation schedule that almost certainly never get to the end of it. But with the residential, I’ll be able to get a lot more capture a lot more depreciate, right, right?

Jason Hartman 25:27
If there’s a couple of newbies listening to the real estate game, depreciation, makes income property the most tax favored asset class in America. It is the most wonderful benefit and it’s such an oxymoron, that you can have appreciation and make money on that and you can have depreciation and save a ton of money on that at the same time. It’s it’s, it’s such a great, great asset class. It really is. You did that exchange, you’ve shorten your depreciation schedule. Before we talk about property managers. Before we started this, this recording for the show, Scott, you were telling me about how your exchange went. And, you know, just sharing a couple stories about working with our network. I thought that was pretty interesting. Did you want to share that with the listeners?

Scott 26:13
Well, luckily, when you’re selling commercial real estate, the timeline for selling a property is quite long. So we were under contract and still had 90 days to go before we got to the actual closing of the commercial property. And so I had a few extra days to do some property tour. So I got in contact with Sarah, my investment coordinator over there. And we went and visited our I went and visited a few markets and got to know property managers got to see their product and I was pretty sure I knew which markets I was going into on the closing day. On the closing day, I had 45 days to identify my properties. And within a week, I’d identified the properties in Oklahoma City and in Jackson, Mississippi, but I still had quite a bit Capital leftover that I need to allocate. And I was planning on allocating that to a certain market and the vendor, the provider of the homes, actually went through bankruptcy and the bankruptcy was announced in the newspaper, just before I signed my sales documents to purchase that portfolio. And so I spoke to my attorney and they said, well, being a 1031, exchange, you can’t be guaranteed that you’re going to be able to buy these in case there’s some kind of action in the foreclosure court. And so I actually had to back off of a rather large investment, just a couple weeks into my selection process. Right. I found a new market and I was all set to reinvest with this other company, other provider this time in Memphis,

Jason Hartman 27:46
right another one of our local market specialist.

Scott 27:48
Yeah, I had lined up another rather large portfolio, and I was getting ready to sign to purchase these. And I showed it to the bank I was borrowing money from and they said They didn’t want to finance any new home purchases. So they never said that to me back when they’re giving me the commitment, the loan commitment. But when it came time to identify houses for these portfolios, the financing company I was working with actually didn’t want to do the deal if they’re brand new homes, construction. And so once again, I had taken a time to identify these homes and then the last minute, I had to abandon my plans. Wow.

Jason Hartman 28:27
Yeah. So were you were you were you worried? That can’t really describe how worried I was I was very worried. I’d like to say that I aged about two years and that 45 days, okay, so let me just explain this to the listeners. So this is because, you know, you have these tight deadlines, to complete 1031 tax deferred exchanges. And if you don’t, you know, for example, like you could lose some of the properties you were buying and not be able to acquire them or identify them and you would just have to pay tax on the the amount of money Didn’t reinvest. Okay. So it’s not like the whole thing was off. But anything outside of the exchange is going to be taxable. So you want it to not have any tax liability, and transfer all of the game from the sale of the shopping center into the new single family homes you were buying. And this is the problem you’re describing. Go ahead.

Scott 29:21
Yeah, so I, you know, especially when you’re dealing with large sums of money, and the tax rate comes out to something like 23.8% it can be really scary. So I was looking at about 10 more days left in my identification period. And I was calling Sarah and I was freaking out. And she did some good digging for me and put me in touch with a provider in Memphis. And I was able to allocate the final 800,000 in our purchase with just about seven days left in our selection period. And so that worked out great. That provider basically saved me they gave me All their inventory for the next two months. Just let me buy it all at once. Yeah, lo and behold, three months later, we closed on all that property all in one day.

Jason Hartman 30:08
Right, right. Yeah. Yeah, you know, you’re reminding me of a story, not this part, specifically, but we had some clients a few years back and we talked about their story on the show, they sold a another single family home that they’d inherited, it was in California, it was about two and a half million dollars. And then they purchased I think 36 or 38 homes through us on the exchange, you know, income properties, obviously, I don’t shouldn’t call them homes, their investment properties, but but single family homes, they were pretty amazed that we were able to help them pull that off. That’s all there’s a lot of properties to acquire in one swoop like that really quickly, especially in a market where, you know, the market is obviously tight, right. And things are selling like hotcakes. I mean, there’s very little inventory so that can be It really worrisome I’ve done a few exchanges over the past few years. And personally, even though I’m in the business of doing this, I had the same problem. You know, I was really worried that I couldn’t complete the exchange and I don’t want to get stuck paying the tax on the capital gains from the, the relinquish properties, you know, you know, good stuff. It can be serious.

Scott 31:19
Yeah. But you know, I don’t think this opportunity really existed before companies like Platinum properties were around, right. If I were to try to go out and use the MLS to purchase 31 single family homes, some nightmare and try to negotiate on all 31 and try to get them all inspected and close. It would never happen. It’s completely impossible. Yeah. And especially with the financing I used, I had to be able to close on at least half a million dollars at once at the same closing on the same day in order for them to do the financing. I tried to do that with you know, 31 different single family home.

Jason Hartman 31:56
Oh god sellers, you would have never happened yeah, that’s that’s a And really amazing how you share that story. This will be continued on the next episode. Thank you for listening and happy investing. Hey, I hope you’ll join me in San Jose on March 3, as we host, our Jason Hartman University event. Now this event is for the real practical hands on interactive education on income property investing, where you will learn how to actually do the math, how to evaluate the deals, we will go in depth into this subject of how to analyze a real estate deal. And once we do that, we’ll talk about how to build a portfolio, how to properly structure a portfolio, how to diversify it, how to sequence your mortgage financing, and it is a fun event. We do some gamification. You’ll meet a lot of people because you’ll be working with the people in the class, and it’s a one day event. You can check it out at Jason Hartman University. com. Jason Hartman you University com. We’ve been doing this event for about three or four years, and people absolutely love it. We’ve done it in San Diego and Salt Lake City. Now we’re doing it in San Jose. We’ve done it other places as well. I just can’t remember where offhand, but it’s a great event, and we try to do it about once a year. I asked her we did it in Oklahoma City. This time, we will be in San Jose Silicon Valley. On March 3. Jason Hartman university.com Jason Hartman University com. Get your tickets today, and we’ll look forward to seeing you in Silicon Valley on March 3. Thank you so much for listening. Please be sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss any episodes. Be sure to check out the show’s specific website and our general website heart and Mediacom for appropriate disclaimers and Terms of Service. Remember that guest opinions are their own and if you require specific needs legal or tax advice or advice and any other specialized area, please consult an appropriate professional. And we also very much appreciate you reviewing the show. Please go to iTunes or Stitcher Radio or whatever platform you’re using and write a review for the show we would very much appreciate that. And be sure to make it official and subscribe so you do not miss any episodes. We look forward to seeing you on the next episode.

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