Jason Hartman has does a client case study, with 26-year-old Jaden Zubal, an associate wealth strategist at Paradigm Life. Jaden started attending events when he was 22 and recently purchased properties in Jacksonville, FL, and Memphis, TN. He discusses why we purchased new construction as opposed to renovated properties.
Investor 0:00
I have to say that meet the Masters is what really sold me on your group and just the turnkey world in general.
Announcer 0:09
Welcome to the creating wealth show with Jason Hartman. You’re about to learn a new slant on investing some exciting techniques and fresh new approaches to the world’s most historically proven asset class that will enable you to create more wealth and freedom than you ever thought possible. Jason is a genuine self made multi millionaire who’s actually been there and done it. He’s a successful investor, lender, developer and entrepreneur who’s owned properties in 11 states had hundreds of tenants and been involved in thousands of real estate transactions. This program will help you follow in Jason’s footsteps on the road to your financial independence day. You really can do it. And now here’s your host, Jason Hartman with the complete solution for real estate investors.
Jason Hartman 0:59
Welcome to Episode 1333 1333 and thanks for joining me today. So we are on the eve Well, not the eve I shouldn’t say that we’re on the verge because the Eve is actually tomorrow of that American holiday called Thanksgiving, a time of year when we try to get some perspective on life. Of course we should be doing this every day, right? But at least there’s a a dedicated place for it. perspective on the things we can be thankful for. There are many of them for all of us if you are in one of the 188 countries listening to our show that is outside of the US. I know you don’t celebrate this holiday but I was mentioned it because it you know, it’s just something we should be conscious of. And always remember as humans regardless of what flag we live under, right? So today we are going to have a client Case Study our client, Jayden will be on the show. And the great thing about Jaden is, he is just 26 years old. And he is building a great investment property portfolio with us. And you’ll hear his story in a moment. He comes to a lot of our events. You know, many of you have met Jayden before at maybe our meet the masters of income property event, creating wealth events, or the most recent profits in paradise event, and Jaden was there at that event as well. So before we get to that, just a mention on two quick things, and I know they will actually be quick, I promise. What do you think of that? Number one, it looks like there’s some good news for Texas property owners. You know, Texas has had incredibly good news number one. But the one thing about Texas that real estate investors do not like among all the other things, they do Is the taxes are high? You know, this basically passes through the to the tenants. Okay. Remember, income properties, corporations, LLC companies entities, they’re all really passed through entities at the end of the day. But, you know, the question is can they pass the increased costs? Can they pass them through quickly? Right, as the costs are rising on one side of the ledger? Can they pass that cost through to their tenants or customers? That’s always the question and there’s, you know, always some gap and that always some lag in that, but it looks like there is some new legislation in Texas that we will be talking about on a future episode in a little more detail, offering some relief to the property tax bills. I know I’ve got several properties in Texas, and I’ve had many others I have sold and exchanged a few on the 1031 exchanges. I’ve done. It’s good and bad. I mean, Texas is just Been a booming booming market and one of our listeners reached out to me and, and said, I hope you’re wrong about Florida becoming the new Texas. And you know, Florida seems to be the really hot market right now. Of course, there are many other great markets around the country too. And you can find those all at Jason Hartman calm, click on the property section and you’ll see them there. But the property taxes in Florida are very, very low. And of course, there’s no state income taxes. So got some good combinations there for you. Okay, so, housing inventory. I don’t have to tell you because you are all very well informed listeners because you are listening to this show. And you know what’s going on out there, but it’s even worse than we thought looking at an article, housing wire article about inventory. big cities, see big dips in housing inventory, with no new homes on the horizon. Just basically looking A National Association of Realtors studies saying that inventory of housing has plummeted to a 3.9 months supply at the end of October. And they’re saying that a six month supply is generally considered to meet a market at a healthy level. Of course, that’s a matter of opinion. You know, some would say more, some would say less. So in other words, that’s what we call the market absorption rate. Homes are being absorbed, in other words, purchased by buyers, right, that’s the absorption. And there’s a certain number of properties for sale at any given time. So if you took a snapshot in time, and not one more seller added any more properties any more homes to the market, how long would it take at the existing rate of absorption for all of that inventory to be gobbled up to be purchased to be sold, how long would it take? And now according to this NAR study, it’s 3.9 months and they’re saying that’s very low. That’s very low inventory because really, it should take six months to gobble up the inventory. Now, Zillow is out with some interesting stats to they say the biggest drop in inventory was in Seattle, which lost 28% of its inventory. Now, you know, this can be a variety of factors. It can be people staying in place, aging in place, we’ve talked about that. We’ve talked about why you should really, you know, we kind of debunked the assisted living category, if you will, and talked about that. Cincinnati, one of our markets, by the way at Jason hartman.com. You can find out from our investment counselors talk about Cincinnati, lost 18% washington dc down 17% Austin, Texas, formerly one of our markets now too expensive, down 14% k City one of our markets down 16% Las Vegas, formerly one of our markets down 14%. Orlando, currently one of our markets down 10% Phoenix down 15%. That used to be one of our markets. But again, Phoenix got too expensive. So we stopped recommending it to new investors. And then Pittsburgh, another one of our markets, well, generally down 16% in terms of supply of properties. So that’s what you can look at and realtor.com said that the average American Home listing price in October climbed 4.3% year over year reaching a high Have you ready for this? Now, before I give you the number, go to Jason Hartman calm click on the property section and look at the properties there. And you’ll see that the you know, this is just anecdotal. I’m not giving you the actual science here. But you’ll see that the average property that we are recommending to you is maybe around $130,000. Well guess what the average home listing prices in America. It’s, drumroll please.
Jason Hartman 8:18
$312,000. So we have lots of great properties for you at less than half the median home list price. So check it out Jason hartman.com. Okay, without further ado, let’s go to our client case study. young guy doing great things. Let’s talk to Jaden and learn something from what he’s doing. And by the way, if you have young people in your life, kids, other people’s kids, strangers on the street, people on Facebook or social media wherever that you are connected with, recommend this interview to them because They can learn something, and you can help them get ahead in life. Okay, here is our client case study with JD. It’s my great pleasure to bring Jaden zoobel on the show, he reached out and volunteered to come on and just share some of his experiences. He is a wealth strategist, and loves income property as an investment category kind of integrates that on what he does with his clients and such. But the great thing about Jaden is he’s attended many of our events. And he is only 26 years old. And so he’s getting an awesome head start on life and really internalizing some of the principles. He’s located in Salt Lake City. And Jaden, welcome on the show. Thanks for coming on.
Jaden 9:49
Jason, thank you so much for having me.
Jason Hartman 9:50
Yeah, it’s my pleasure. Tell us a little bit about your background real quick. And let’s dive into your investment strategies. Excellent. Yeah.
Jaden 9:57
So as you mentioned, you know, I’m 26 years old, I got my start in the investment world through your your platform, actually, I am located in Salt Lake City, you know, I’m part of a group called paradigm life. And in my experience with that group, I came across your group where I attended meet the Masters, honestly, the first one was 2016, maybe 2017, one of those two, so you were only
Jason Hartman 10:23
22 or 23, then I guess, right? Yeah, exactly. So very, very young when I came across your group. And at the time, I was just getting started and what I wanted to do in the investment world as far as real estate was concerned, I have listened to your podcast a fair amount up to that point, right. And I knew that it was a really interesting pathway for me, but I have to say that meet the Masters is what really sold me on your group and just the turnkey world in general. And by the way, for those who might be listening and don’t know what that is, that’s an annual conference that we hold Usually two days, sometimes two and a half or three days. And we have a lot of different speakers come in and talk at that conference. And it’s always been, at least so far in Southern California. Now we have another annual event called profits in paradise. And I just saw you there last weekend. That was in Orlando, Florida this year, the year before it was in, in Hawaii. Now, I think you also went to our Jay Chou event in Salt Lake City, I believe, right. A few years back.
Jaden 11:26
I actually haven’t been to the GHQ yet. If you end up doing another one of those. I’m sure I’ll be there. But up to this point, I have not. Now I have to say though with profits in paradise in Orlando this last weekend. Something that stood out to me there that I actually wanted to mention was James melon. Check what he spoke about. Absolutely incredible guy. Just the idea behind how you speak to people and how you present yourself was really an incredible presentation.
Jason Hartman 11:54
Yeah, we try to have some stuff that’s not just directly on real estate investing or income. Property per se, but some things of general interest. So, you know, we have various speakers over the years we’ve had Ron Paul, talking about Liberty G. Edward Griffin talking about the Federal Reserve and the monetary system. And in James balin shack talked, he did two talks for us. One that was kind of a, I’ll say, a more general success talk. But one, it was a persuasion talk as well. So that was great. I’m glad you enjoyed it. And also, when I interviewed him from the stage, he talked about how he suffered some online trolling with a, you know, person that wanted to get even with him after he wouldn’t let him speak at his events anymore. That’s what I’ve been saying. Jaden. I don’t know if you heard about that. But any success, you know, people get attacked, and it’s a lot harder to keep it together that it looks from the outside, you know, is when we look at successful people in the world, we kind of think, Oh my gosh, they’re just so lucky or fortunate or they just haven’t made but you always encounter these forces from the outside which I’ll try And keep you from your goal, right? Oh, absolutely. I completely agree with that. In fact, there was I’m trying to think of the quote, as you were speaking, but there’s a quote that I, I really, really love that ties right in line with that. I can’t remember off the top of my head. But I’ll have to come back to that if I think of it. And I might think of it too, and I’ll bring it up if we do. But anyway, you talked before offline with me about some of the different 10 commandments and in my teaching about investing, in which ones were most helpful and meaningful to you.
Jaden 13:32
Yes, absolutely. So as I mentioned a few minutes ago, you know, listening to your podcast really got me involved in this and got me thinking about it. You know, the education that’s involved there, and particularly the 10 commandments just seem to resonate really well with my own philosophies and my own thinking. So the ones that I really wanted to mention here are the first right so becoming educated.
Jason Hartman 13:56
Yeah, thou shalt become educated. commandment number one. Exactly
Jaden 14:01
I can’t express enough how important that is to success and the success that I’ve achieved over the last couple of years. Right? Because as we said, I’m fairly young. So within the my stated real estate goal, I bought the first property that I’ve ever purchased last year. So I had actually been to, I think I’d been to two of your conferences and was about to come to the third, right, I had registered and set up everything for the third conference when I bought that first property. From that point forward, my stated goal has been three properties a year. And that all came about because of the education side of things, right. My Drive is to educate myself and everything involved in the process before I get involved in actually investing. And so that the educated drove me to the very first thing I remember doing in that process of educating was watching your pro forma video on your website homepage.
Jason Hartman 14:56
Right and that’s just so everybody knows that’s it. Jason Hartman calm it’s right on the Front Page, and it’s how to analyze real estate investment, which really is how to analyze a performer and how to, you know, understand the numbers. So I would highly recommend that free video for anybody. You know, it’s 27 minutes long. And if there’s one thing that sort of sums it up, that would be it. So yeah, I’m glad you liked it. That’s great.
Jaden 15:20
Yeah, yeah. So that was amazing. And then I’m going to skip here to commandment number three, I believe it is. And it’s the stay in control. Right. So maintaining control, being a direct investor, and what revealing part of what I teach is a wealth strategist is something we refer to as the hierarchy of wealth. And that hierarchy of wealth is Jason Have you ever heard of the hierarchy of needs Maslow’s? Yeah,
Jason Hartman 15:42
I in fact, I think Maslow left two of them out on the Hierarchy of Needs I’ve ever since my college psychology class I thought about that and do you want to know which ones I think he left out? Jd? Of course, yeah. Maslow on his hierarchy. Now granted, of course, You know, one of the things on there is your basic needs is is shelter. Okay? So that’s what we provide as investors, but getting more esoteric than just talking about shelter, his highest level at the top of the pyramid of self actualization from asthma. Sorry that is it self actualization, right? But I think there are two other things he left out one that I’d say is higher than self actualization, and I think it should be the top of the pyramid. And I think that’s spiritual actualization. You know, throughout human history, there has been some form of organized religion and even before that, there have been spiritual pursuits. And I think that goes above self actualization. Certainly, self actualization. It’s important, I agree. But I think spiritual actualization is actually above that. And then the other one he left out and I don’t know where it should go on the pyramid is human beings have always been been interested and fascinated by and had, I think an actual need to change their state. And certainly, you know, many people will think well they do that with substances and drugs and that’s true, but they also do it with rollercoasters and skateboarding and movement. People do it with alcohol. I’m not saying every way they change their status positive. I’m just saying they do it. You know, they do it through physical activity. You know, we’ve all heard of runners running these long, long distances, getting what they call runner’s high. That’s the reason many people are addicted and you could argue that a good addiction is to fitness and working out because of that high we get from the endorphins that are released. So we need to change one state. I think it belongs on the hierarchy. Maslow is out of business he missed two things. What do you think
Jaden 17:51
I agree with that? I think really the spiritual actualization Yeah, man. You know, I had never thought about it in that way. But it Definitely is an important part of life. Right. It’s something that we all have some sort of attachment to. Absolutely and would have a major impact on us. Yeah.
Jason Hartman 18:07
Couldn’t agree more. So you were talking about the investor hierarchy. And this I believe you said is in Patrick Donahoe his book,
Jaden 18:15
yeah. Patrick Donahoe his book heads, I win tails, you lose talks a little bit about this, and then I often will talk about it in meetings with clients as well. But the idea behind it is taking what Maslow created and turning it into a financial picture. So we’re taking the bottom of the pyramid, which in Maslow’s case, is things like food and shelter, right, the basic necessities of life. And we’re turning that into what do you need to safely grow your money and keep your money protected so that as you’re climbing the pyramid, so the way we usually have it set up is in four tiers. Tier One would be things like a savings account, money that needs to be well protected. tier two would be, I always say turnkey, real estate investments fit very well in tier two. Because what you can do is you take the money that you protect and grow into your one, and you shift it up into tier two, then if it goes wrong in tier two, which often does when you’re making investments, you don’t fall off the pyramid and go back down to square one, right? You have something protecting you so that you can slowly work your way up that pyramid.
Jason Hartman 19:23
Okay, good. Good. So having a safeguard is basically what you’re talking about. Right? Exactly.
Jaden 19:29
Jason Hartman 19:30
Plan B, if you will. And that’s why I just like the conservative investment strategy that, you know, we talked about all the time, because, you know, it’s just likely to work. Well, all these speculators and people with all their big talk, I don’t know. I see very few of them ever getting rich. You know?
Jaden 19:52
Jason Hartman 19:53
It may sound good, but, you know, in practice, it doesn’t seem to translate.
Jaden 19:58
That is so true, Jason. I’ve seen That numerous times, right? We work with thousands of people across the country, and a lot of the advice that’s given is just very, very poor. Yeah, yeah. Isn’t it amazing? Why is that? Do you think Jaden that so much of our culture believes these crazy investment mythology that’s out there? When you say that I think of, you know, for one case, right, the stock market, you know, it’s not necessarily that it’s bad to put your money there. But I don’t think it’s where people should start. And I believe people go for that, because it’s the only thing that’s taught, you know, if you look at mainstream what people see today and what they learn about, Everywhere you look, it’s, you know, where are you putting your money in the market? What are you doing with your money over here? You know, how are you investing your money in your 401k? That kind of talk? There’s never any talk of, you know, what are you doing with your real estate investments, and what are you doing with the money that you need to protect? Right?
Jason Hartman 20:54
Yeah, I think that wall street just does a great job of marketing. And they’re just great at it, but they have the mediocre investment. Whereas the real estate industry does a lousy job of marketing, yet they have the best investment. It’s true. Yeah, it’s sad that it’s that way, you know, more people should know, but they seem to be figuring it out. So that’s good news.
Jaden 21:19
Yeah, no, Wall Street’s the best marketers in the world, right? I listen to a podcast episode just a couple days ago. And you were talking about when you go down to the boat Harbor, right. And you’re talking about your yachts, right. And this wall street gentleman’s standing there telling the his client, you know, here’s my friend at this brokerage firms. Yeah. And this brokerage firms. Yeah, right. But then the question is, where are your clients? Yeah,
Jason Hartman 21:42
right. The clients don’t have any yachts. The insiders do.
Jaden 21:46
Exactly. It’s always the insiders. Yeah.
Jason Hartman 21:49
Yeah. It’s really it’s really absolutely crazy. Okay, so anything more on investment hierarchy, or commandment number three, or do you want to jump back because I want to ask you specific Basically about your generation, the millennial generation. In fact, you’re so young, you’re almost Gen Z. Not quite, but almost. And, you know, and kind of how they view investing and kind of the future of that that demographic cohort. I’d like to get into that too. So let me know when you’re ready.
Jaden 22:19
Now, let’s go ahead and jump into that. Okay, great.
Jason Hartman 22:22
So it seems like I mean, like any demographic cohort, right, Millennials are a mixed bag. Some of them seem very conscientious and prudent and frugal. And it seems like others have just kind of given up and they don’t want to play the game at all right? They’re just, I don’t know what they’re waiting for. Maybe they just don’t have the foresight to see that, you know, they’ve got to invest. They’ve got to take care of themselves and take care of their financial future. But you know, firsthand because you have friends and peers in that group, obviously. What do you think? What do you read on this?
Jaden 22:56
That’s a really good point. I’ve recently been reading the book called Big shifts ahead from john Byrne. Yeah, in fact, I actually got that book from one of your conferences. But the reason I bring that up is you mentioned, like millennials getting down on their luck, right? The idea that they, they just feel so encumbered in student loan debt, and all of these other weighing factors, that they don’t take any action, they don’t do anything to better their situation. I personally have noticed that very commonly, you know, in the workplace. And as an example, if I look back at people that I went to college with and went to high school with, there’s a good portion of those those individuals who still struggled to get their life monthly. I’d say the biggest factor is student loan debt. That’s really a weighing weighing piece on people. What’s going to come of that generation then? I mean, are they waiting for an inheritance, or? No, I mean, the student loan debt is a huge problem. We’ve talked about it extensively and as a public service, by the way, I’m going to be talking about an article I read recently. How to get out of student loan debt. And it is not easy. But there are a few possibilities. So we’ll talk about that on a future show. It’s hard to say what would come of this generation, you know, I, I spoke with somebody not too long ago who was attempting to shift around their investments a little bit and put themselves in a better situation. And he had just finished school and his student loan debts were just coming due. So we had to start making payments on this. He had set aside a couple thousand dollars a month that was specifically for investments, right? This was going to be his real estate dollars, that kind of thing. And the student loan debts came due and I think it was, if I remember, right, it was about 1700 dollars a month that he had to start paying and that
Jason Hartman 24:42
just wiped out that’s just makes it impossible. That’s like a mortgage payment on quite a nice house. Actually.
Jaden 24:48
Yeah, it completely shifted his his goals for you know, the next 10 years. So it makes it a huge impact. And it’s hard to say where that’s going to take our generation But the way I try to look at this too, is there’s a quote by Zig Ziglar that says you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. Yeah, I love that quote to me that says, Take action, right? Do something with your life to help other people to add value for other people. And right, there are some major weighing factors. But it’s, it’s what our generation has to deal with. It’s the thing that we have to work around.
Jason Hartman 25:24
Yeah, absolutely. We do. We do. No question about it. So talk to us about the real estate you’ve purchased. I think you’ve got a few properties now. Right? I do.
Jaden 25:33
Yeah. So I bought two properties in the last year. And we are looking at buying the third one before 2019 ends. You know, here the next month, month and a half, we’ll be getting that nailed down. So right now I own I own a property in Jacksonville, Florida. And then another one in Memphis, Tennessee.
Jason Hartman 25:52
Okay, so you’ve got Jacksonville and Memphis and you bought one of those through our network and one outside I believe, right?
Jaden 25:58
Correct. Yeah. So One of them through the network. And then like you said, the one out and the one, you know, the distinction I would make between that is there was a considerable amount of value added in buying through your network when it came to the investment counselor. I think that’s actually one of your commandments, but it right, it says, the idea of seeking guidance getting somebody to help you and guide you as you go through that process. Well, there’s not a lot of companies out there that do that. Most of them will simply say, Okay, here you go, right. Here’s the property. Now figure out how to how to deal with it. Right? They’re just basically referring you to the property rather than providing a support system. Right. Exactly. Yeah. And there’s been a lot of value in working through your network with an investment counselor. So in particular, with Jacksonville when I purchased that property, it’s an older one. And I had a fair amount of maintenance that came up right out of the gate, but dealing with your network meant that I had Sarah on my side to kind of walk me through That, right? And she was able to help me go back and forth with the group that I purchased it through until everything was solved. And it was a very, very simple process, right? That could have been something that cost me five or $10,000. And rather, it didn’t, you know, I saved a considerable amount of money just by having the right people on my team,
Jason Hartman 27:18
we really approach this as a service business, like, in a sense, a traditional real estate company, you know, that has a person, that counselor to help you all the way through the entire process and for life afterwards. I mean, as long as we’re around, we’re going to be here to help our clients. So, you know, you purchase property through our network 510 years ago, we’re here for you. And of course, you know, more immediately as well, but definitely afterwards as well.
Jaden 27:46
Yeah, I can absolutely see that. You know, anytime I’ve had any questions, concerns, anything like that it’s a simple email or phone call, and we’re taking care of
Jason Hartman 27:54
good to hear. So what are your plans for the future in terms of additional property? us or anything else you want to share
Jaden 28:01
plans for the future look like I’ve really enjoyed the Florida market. And I’ve listened a lot lately to the idea of where, you know, in the past episodes, we’re talking four or 500 episodes ago, you used to mention that you had properties in 11 states and 17 cities. Yeah, that was a mistake.
Jason Hartman 28:21
Too many, too many too much diversification.
Jaden 28:24
Yeah, I’ve definitely internalized that lesson. Yeah. And what I’m trying to do now is stay in Florida and Tennessee for a while. But with the provider in particular, in Florida, he operates a lot with new build properties now. So I’m very interested in picking up probably two of those and 2020. So short term goals are continue on the three, you know, three properties a year, probably two of those will be new builds. And then as time goes on, I’ll probably just continue to lean towards the new build approach.
Jason Hartman 28:58
Yeah. Okay. So you want to go for The the higher end properties of the rental market, right? You want to buy the new properties kind of the class eight properties, right?
Jaden 29:08
Yeah, yeah. And the my reasoning for that has been, you know, like we’ve talked about, I’m 26 years old, I’m going to be in this game for a while. And I can only imagine how much maintenance will come up. So I feel like the new build approach will give me a little bit more time
Jaden 29:25
on the maintenance side of things,
Jason Hartman 29:27
right. That’ll be better in the long run. But, you know, when you go and you look on our website at Jason Hartman calm and you look at the properties, you see some stuff, some of the rehab properties that they do look better, they look like a better deal than the new properties, right? How do you balance that out?
Jaden 29:45
They do. Yeah, in fact, that was originally when I started buying properties. That was my thought process, right? It was okay, if I look at these properties, and I see, I don’t know $200 a month in cash flow on a new build and then 300 on an older property, that is probably the purchase price is probably 50% of what the new build is. But I was thinking to myself, why that why would it ever make sense to, to buy these new properties, but what changed my mindset there is actually dealing with the older properties, right? When you start buying them and start dealing with maintenance that comes up, you realize that it’s just part of the game, if it’s a 5060 year old house, there’s bound to be things that happen that you didn’t expect.
Jason Hartman 30:30
It always always comes up and tenants in the lower end properties, you might get lucky, you might get a good one. But by and large in the law of averages, you’re just going to get better quality tenants in better quality properties, and you’re just gonna have a better experience. But hey, you know, we have many clients who are kind of more of the bargain hunter type, and they want those classy properties and they usually after a few years of doing those Usually decided, you know, I want to get some nice Class A new stuff. It’s a funny thing.
Jaden 31:06
No, I can understand that mentality 100% it was a shift for me. And I do think that there’s a lot of value in the class C properties still. It just depends on your willingness to deal with them. Right, right. Part of what you’ve talked about quite a bit lately has been self management. And that’s another big key for me is, you know, right now, I’m using property managers for everything. But at some point as I get more experienced and better with the real estate investments, I’d love to try out the self management. And I think that new builds are will be a lot easier to self manage.
Jason Hartman 31:41
Absolutely. I agree with you. Now, I do think though, you’re in two markets, I do think that you can diversify into three markets, you should at least have three markets in your portfolio, and not more than five. That’s what we’ve always said based on the mistake I made of going into too many markets. I don’t think you can own too many houses, but you can be in too many markets. So do you have an idea as to your next market to add and get three? I do.
Jaden 32:09
So part of this came from the last two conferences, the last meet the Masters in the spring, and then profits here just last week. And then part of it came from just looking at properties on the website. But I think that York, Pennsylvania, really interests me, they’re kind of the townhome style. That’s what it looks like most of their properties are. I don’t believe they’re sold as townhomes. I think they’re sold as a single family. But I like the idea of you know, the rehab on those looks incredible. It seems like they do an amazing job in that in that area. They always have really good rent to value ratios. And that’s been a big factor for me, I always kind of look at and determine things based on that rent to value. And then the provider there seems like a really good provider.
Jason Hartman 32:54
Good stuff. Good stuff. Jaden. Anything else you want to say to wrap it up?
Jaden 32:58
I would just say that You know, I would reiterate that for me, a big deal has been making sure that I’m taking control of my life where I can take control of it. And again, I go back to the exhilarates. Quote, if you want something in life, make sure you’re helping other people get what they want, right, add value for others do do what you can to help others out in life. That’s the way the key to success in whatever field you’re, or whatever endeavor you’re going after. So I would just add that and that’s great.
Jason Hartman 33:27
Yeah, good stuff. Yeah. So, you know, as a real estate investor, you’re providing one of people’s primary needs, housing, shelter. You know, they say the three basic human needs are food, clothing, and shelter. And we’re right at the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy there. We haven’t even gone up the ladder, and you got to get those taken care of. So that’s what we do as real estate investors. We provide shelter a very important need for people. So that’s excellent. Jaden, do you want to share any contact information or website or anything?
Jaden 33:59
Yeah, I’d like too, so if anybody’s interested in talking about you know what I do, and how I got involved in working with you specifically, please feel free to shoot me an email you can reach me at Jay Z ball that spelled ZUB al at paradigm life.net or you can just get on our website paradigm life.net and click the About Us link. And you’ll see a picture of me right there. It’ll say Jaden zoobel. Go to that and you’ll be able to get a hold of me.
Jason Hartman 34:25
Good stuff trading. Thanks for joining us.
Jaden 34:27
All right. Thanks so much, Jason.
Jason Hartman 34:30
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