Adam joins Jason Hartman in this episode to answer some listener’s questions. The topics include profiting from inflation, why banks give out loans, the best market to buy income properties, options if you can’t get a fixed-rate mortgage, and a decrease in housing prices.
Announcer 0:02
Welcome to the creating wealth show with Jason Hartman. You’re about to learn a new slant on investing some exciting techniques and fresh new approaches to the world’s most historically proven asset class that will enable you to create more wealth and freedom than you ever thought possible. Jason is a genuine self made multimillionaire who’s actually been there and done it. He’s a successful investor, lender, developer, and entrepreneur who’s owned properties in 11, states had hundreds of tenants and been involved in 1000s of real estate transactions, this program will help you follow in Jason’s footsteps on the road to your financial independence day, you really can do it. And now here’s your host, Jason Hartman with the complete solution for real estate investors.
Jason Hartman 0:52
Welcome to Episode 1675 1675. And thank you for joining us. Adam is here with me today. It’s great to have him back. We live stream every two weeks, but he hasn’t been on the podcast in a while. So we thought we would take some of the accumulated questions from the YouTube channel and other sources and get those answered for you, Adam, how’s it going?
Adam 1:21
It’s going well, and it’s amazing when you blow up on YouTube and you get you know, 30 plus 1000 subscribers that question start rolling in?
Jason Hartman 1:30
Well, it’s not just the number of subscribers, by the way, which we thank all of you for subscribing to the channel. But it’s the amount of time people are spending engaging with the channel. Do you know, last month, people spent over 7 million minutes watching our YouTube videos. And that’s just on one of three YouTube channels we have. So we are really glad you’re enjoying the content folks. One of our videos, by the way, has become very viral. I think it’s close to 500,000 views now just on that video about inflation. So check that out, check all the other stuff out. Let’s tackle some of those questions. Because a lot of them have been accumulated and we need to get to them, right?
Adam 2:15
Yeah, if you want to, if you want to feel good about your content, just say no. 7 million minutes is 13.3 years spent watching your stuff last month. Jason? Wow.
Jason Hartman 2:24
Oh, my gosh. That is amazing. Wow. 13 years. Okay.
Adam 2:32
So let’s go to that popular the most popular video How to profit from massive inflation ahead. We have one from Terry clevenger. He’s a little skeptical. He said, I watched the entire video, and only God that you need to go further into debt in order to profit from massive inflation ahead. I have no way to buy income producing property and then have the tenant be unable to make the monthly payment. How do I profit from massive inflation ahead? Basically, I guess you’re closer to the money. Terry, I don’t know about what Jason’s gonna say here. But I would say the concern about the tenant not paying in the current environment has been alleviated somewhat, if you look at what the government is doing, the government has essentially become your partner in a way they’ve never done it before. And said, if your tenant can’t pay, you don’t have to pay either. And that is a game changer. When it comes to owning investment property, you’re really getting a bigger backstop, even more than just incredibly cheap interest rates, you’re now getting incredibly cheap interest rates, and an out that still involves you keeping the property which has never happened before.
Jason Hartman 3:45
Yeah, that’s true. I do want to make the distinction, though, Adam, you’re referring to the mortgage and the forbearance programs. But even without a forbearance program, you know, during the Great Recession, and just all the time, you know, on no matter what the economy is doing, people are always renegotiating with their lenders, doing strategic defaults deciding to stop paying their mortgages, because it’s quite a process for the lender to foreclose. They don’t want to foreclose. You know, they will many, many times work with you. So you know, I call this the nuclear option. You don’t want to do it, but just understand that it is always there. Right? That’s always there. But the broader question, I think, is one of, you know, how do you do this if you can’t buy income property, right. And when you have the income property, understand that it is the most historically proven asset class, it’s the most tax favored asset class in the United States. I just love it. It has enriched my life tremendously. And 10s. If not, while really hundreds of millions, maybe even around the world, billions of people over the years have been very, very much enriched by owning income property. Because of the Inflation induced debt destruction strategy that we teach, you can really turn this income property into an authentic passive asset, right? Where you can offensively play the inflation game and really win with it. If you can’t buy income property, you can do some defensive things. And what those usually entail is buying gold or cryptocurrency, right? Those are the typical strategies or commodities, really, of any sort, are the defensive strategies, right? You know, you could buy silver, you could buy other commodities, you could buy lumber, right? There’s an endless list of commodities. But the point is that in an inflationary environment, understand what’s really happening, most people just think of inflation as well, prices are going up. That’s a symptom of inflation. It’s not technically what inflation is. Inflation is an expansion of the money supply. And remember, as I’ve been teaching for many, many years, there are two value drivers for anything. And the first one is scarcity. And the second one is utility. So the reason currency, and notice I didn’t call it money, I call it currency. The reason currency has value is because of its scarcity. And its utility, right? When they start making so much of it, creating it out of thin air, printing it out of thin air running the printing press, then the value has to decline, because it’s less scarce. Now, it still has utility, but that utility declines with its abundance. Okay, you know, look, diamonds are more valuable than sand. Because sand is more plentiful than diamonds. They both actually have utility, okay, diamonds are used in industry. And they’re certainly used in jewelry, obviously. And sand is used in industry. And actually, there is a shortage of sand compared to the historical thing, because so much concrete is being used around the world to build homes and other structures. But certainly Everyone knows that diamonds are more valuable than sand, because just scarcity alone, right? So just understand that. But the way you want to play this strategy, as outlined in the video is off offensively by owning good quality income properties where you own all those commodities, the lumber, the copper wire, the petroleum products that the concrete, the glass, the steel, and you have the beautiful four letter word. And that four letter word is debt debt, my favorite four letter word, and you can often simply benefit from inflation by using debt. And that’s all explained in the other video in detail. So I won’t go into it here. But that’s a great question. So I’m glad Yes,
Adam 8:00
yeah. And it’s also important, Terry to remember that when you’re talking about not being able to afford the mortgage payment if your tenants not paying, that’s one of the things we look at when we look at markets, and you need to be sure that if your tenants not paying you are in a market where you can get rid of your tenant, you know, if you’re in a state, that’s not going to let you get rid of your tenant, then you know, it could take six 912 months to get them out of your home. Or you can be in a state where the government works with you. And they’re out in 3060 days, something like that, right. And then you know, you need to make sure you’re going into the right markets. What Adam means there is that we look at and we help investors invest nationwide, and we vet markets, and one of our vetting strategies is we want to look for landlord friendly markets, where the regulatory climate, the judges, just the whole vibe of the place is friendly to our cause as landlords, we don’t want an environment that allows tenants to be deadbeats and leech off of you. Okay, in California, New York, Washington, DC, you know, many of these other left wing places,
Jason Hartman 9:11
you have a very landlord unfriendly market, we want to avoid those areas. Now, there are many other things we look for as well, that’s just one of them. But thanks for bringing that up, Adam.
Adam 9:20
Yeah, a lot of our places, you know, if they’re five days late on their rent, you can technically file an eviction notice on them. So you know, you can definitely set yourself up for better success doing that.
Jason Hartman 9:32
Absolutely. And, you know, understand that when people don’t obey their contracts, civilization falls apart. So there is nothing wrong with telling people look, they got to live up to their contract, because it’s a daisy chain effect. If they don’t, if the tenant doesn’t pay you, you can’t pay the lender. And if you can’t pay the lender, their bondholders suffer, you know, or those mortgage backed securities of whatever type this stuff matters. I mean, people just have to keep their agreements. That’s the way the world works. You know, you can’t have this domino effect. Okay, next question.
Adam 10:08
Yeah, we’ve got Kluver Bucy saying, Hi, Jason, great comment about taking mortgage debt and paying back with cheaper dollars. But if it’s such a good deal for you, why would banks give you a mortgage? Don’t they have a lot of smart people working for them? Great question.
Jason Hartman 10:22
So yes, banks, the banksters. They do have a lot of smart people working at banks and on Wall Street, of course. But remember, they are rarely holding these loans in their portfolio. The loans are sold off in the secondary market, to these government sponsored entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And basically what this does is in the United States, ever since come, we came out of the Great Depression, back in the, you know, the late 30s, or I guess, the 40s, when Fannie Mae was created, I don’t know the exact year offhand. I, I used to know I just can’t remember, these government sponsored entities are essentially putting you in the position where you’re getting a welfare benefit as a landlord, okay. And the homeowner, homeowners get it too, right. But but small landlords that invest in single family homes get this benefit as well. So your investment is essentially subsidized by the government. So congratulations. You know, finally, Look, you’ve been paying into the system, you’ve been paying taxes all your life, right? And you’re finally getting something back. You know, I like to joke, I’ve, you know, what, actually, I can’t say this anymore. I did take some government money, just last month, it was sort of against my religion the first time around a year ago to take a PPP loan. But I said, you know, I’m getting my money to I’ve paid taxes, I paid millions of dollars in taxes in my life. And I want some money back. So I got $16,000.
Adam 11:59
Much, someone standing in the corner holding out 16 grand, you’re a fool not to take
Jason Hartman 12:03
it right. You are a fool not to take it. So I did take a PPP loan. I think that’s the first time I really took any government money. Look, folks, I don’t even have a library card anymore. Okay, so I don’t get anything. I just pay. And, you know, I get the services that government offers that everybody uses. But, you know, again, you have the right to it, right? So look, the government wants you to provide rental housing to people take advantage of these, these programs. And to answer your question, though, the banks don’t keep the loan, they sell it off. And then after that loan is sold off on the secondary market, it’s bundled into pools of mortgages and sold office securities. So you know, it just goes down the line, it’s just this big game, the banks essentially make money on the points that they charge and the loan origination fees that they charge, and they make a spread from the rate at which they borrow to the rate at which they lend for a small amount of time. Okay, this is a very murky world, okay? Because they don’t do the same thing with every loan at exactly the same time. Banks have, what’s it look at, I’ve owned a few mortgage businesses in my life. I’m not in that business now. But they have what’s called a warehouse line where they fund the loan, and then they sell the loan off of the line is the way they say that, you know, it’s a whole murky thing. But the banks aren’t really lending you the money for 30 years. in almost any case, it’s extremely rare that that would happen.
Adam 13:36
You also have to look at their whole business model is based on giving out loans, and what you’re looking for in return isn’t necessarily what they’re looking for in return isn’t necessarily what their clients are looking for in return. I mean, if you’re looking at it that way, why would anybody ever buy a treasury? Why would you agree to that? It’s just some people’s portfolio and some people’s investment strategy. Leads it to where you know, getting a three 4% return is absolutely fine for them. Yeah, so everybody has different strategies. It’s there, enjoy it.
Jason Hartman 14:08
Take advantage. One more thing, and this is a little bit down the rabbit hole. Okay, so we’re not going to have time to go into this. This is a subject that it took me years to grasp, endless, endless amount of studying on this topic. It’s so esoteric and so hard to truly understand what’s happening here. But I’m just going to save the phrase, and you can listen to my creating wealth podcast, my YouTube channel for more on this because there’s a lot more to it if you want to go down the rabbit hole, but here it is, you’re ready. Here it is. Money is lent into existence. That’s how money or really currency is created in the kind of system we have and some of you heard We say that that money is lent into existence and you’re thinking, Oh, yeah, I get it fractional reserve banking, fractional reserve lending. You know, I challenge you, as I’ve been studying this for a couple of decades now. I don’t even really totally get it. This is so esoteric when you go down the rabbit hole, there is so much to it. A good start is to listen to the episodes I’ve done with maybe G. Edward Griffin. He’s been on many times, he wrote a famous book called The creature from Jekyll Island, I took my mastermind group to Jekyll Island, Georgia, we had our event in what’s called the Federal Reserve room. And that’s where the people met and created the Federal Reserve. There’s just a lot to that topic. It’s quite fascinating. But there’s a huge incentive for banks to lend money because the system doesn’t work unless they lend the money into existence. So they have big incentives to do that, in many ways. Alright, let’s go on. Alright, so
Adam 16:00
we have another one from Rick darsky. He says, Hello, Jason. Excellent video, it will make my fave five list one question. Well,
Jason Hartman 16:09
Rick, Rick, it’s not your number 111 video. So I’m in the top five. Okay, I’ll take it. But I want to at least be in the top three, Rick.
Adam 16:21
So when is the best time to buy rental properties, low rates with the high purchase price or higher rates with a lower purchase price? Or just jump in when you have enough for downpayment and closing costs? Thanks for helping out the common man.
Jason Hartman 16:34
Yeah, that’s an interesting question in here’s the thing about it. The great thing about income property is that when you buy it, that deal is endlessly re negotiable. Here’s what I mean by that. You buy it today, there’s a snapshot in time, and you paid a certain price. And if you paid cash, then you just pay the price. If you use financing, which hopefully you did, then you got a certain price and certain terms, right. But as things change over time, you can renegotiate that deal. One way you can do it is by simply refinancing the property. But there are many other ways you can do it, you can improve the property and rent it for more money, you can 1031 exchange the property and get a different property without paying taxes, you know, you’re deferring the taxes, you could lease option the property and get a higher rent that way, there are just all kinds of things you can do to renegotiate the deal endlessly into the future. You know, some people are adding what’s called ad use to their property’s accessory dwelling units, where they put a mother in law’s unit or a casita in the backyard, and then they increase the income with that, there’s just an endless amount of things you can do, right? So the deal you agree to today is not necessarily the deal you’re going to have forever. In fact, it almost never is. One of the other absolutely beautiful things I love about income property, the most historically proven asset class in the entire world, is that you can buy the property. So you put 20% down on it. And then you can wait till the property appreciates a bit or add value yourself and force the appreciation. And then you can refinance the property, get all of your money back, and maybe even more than all your money back. And then still on the asset. I mean, where else can you do this, ladies and gentlemen, where you you get all your money back out, and you still have the asset? Right? It’s just a phenomenal asset class. So to answer your question, I hate to sound like the typical guru that says, oh, there’s never been a better time to buy. Well, that’s complete BS. Of course, there’s better time to buy, you could have purchased property in 1970. And that would have been better than today, although interest rates back then were much higher than they are today. Right? Here’s the reality of this. I’ve got a video that I’m about to produce. So look for this. It’s coming, folks.
Okay, because I’ve done a couple presentations on this. I always want to test this by speaking at a conference or two. And I have done that, and sort of refine the idea before you see it on the YouTube channel. Okay, or hear it on the podcast. But I did a couple of presentations on this. What is your measuring stick? Okay, to determine the value of anything, we’ve got to ask what my listeners call the Jason Hartman question. And that question is compared to what, right? Most people when they’re trying to understand the value of real estate or anything else for that matter. They compare it only to one thing, dollars. Well, dollars are not the only thing To compare it to because the dollar is a fluctuating measuring stick, its value constantly changes. Let me give you just one of many examples. I’ll give you a little sneak peek into this video. Okay, you know, if you followed my work for any length of time, I’m not a gold bug, okay, but gold has been a measuring stick for 5000 years. So it’s worth it to compare housing prices to gold. So let me give you an example. In the year 2000, if you wanted to buy the median price home, you would need 610 ounces of gold to buy that house, because the median price was about 168. Gold was $274. So you’d need 610 ounces to buy a house in 2010. It got a little cheaper, a lot cheaper. Actually, in 2010, the median price house was 223. And I’m rounding here, by the way, but gold was 13 $174. Okay, so you would only need 162 ounces to buy the house then in 2010. What about today, in 2021, you only need 208 ounces of gold to buy that house. So compared to 610 ounces, 21 years ago, the house is about 66% cheaper today. Okay? I mean, you know, roughly Okay, it’s about two thirds cheaper now. So always ask yourself this, when you’re looking at an asset and you’re thinking of buying it, ask yourself this question, is it cheap? Or is it expensive? And then ask yourself that question in many different assets in many different comparisons, not just dollars, because you will be totally misled. If you are only comparing the price to dollars, that is not the way to compare it, you got to compare it to many things.
Now in this upcoming video, I compare it to orange juice, rice, gold, Bitcoin, I mean, just everything. And then you’ve got to go another step, and not just look at the price of the house, but the payment on the house and adjust that for inflation. And I’m telling you folks, real estate in most markets is still pretty cheap, when you compare it to all these things. So look for that video in that podcast coming up. It’ll be on the YouTube channel and the creating wealth show. And by the way, our stuff is on other channels as well. Because, you know, censorship, okay. You can always find my stuff on bit shoot and rumble and all those other platforms as well.
Adam 22:44
Yeah, I’ll also say, you know, you talk about whether, you know, high price, low interest rate, low price, high interest rate, you know, obviously, you would prefer starting with the low price, high interest rate, because then you can get the interest rate down. But realistically, the way you need to look at it is the right time to buy it is when it makes sense, you know, when the property is going to, you know, make sense from day one, follow the commandments. If your property is making sense from day one, you are putting yourself in a fantastic position moving forward.
Jason Hartman 23:15
Good point. No, that’s absolutely true. I mean, look, the best market to buy in is to buy with cash, when things are super cheap, and then have the interest rates go way down and refinance them and pull all your cash out.
Adam 23:32
refi in 2020, right.
Jason Hartman 23:34
That’s the strategy we were recommending. And many of our clients did it and they made a fortune. I mean, Adam, you know, I really wonder if like, any other Real Estate Group, or Guru has made more people rich than we have, you know, I mean, we’ve made a lot of people very rich. And if you don’t believe us, just go listen to the creating wealth podcast and listen to all those client case studies. We have them all the time. And you can hear it right from the clients. You don’t don’t have to rely on us, we go in depth, you know, 2030 minute interviews, where you’ll hear all about the clients and what they’ve done. And so we’ve got another question from Peter wood delco.
Adam 24:14
He said, what about when you don’t have a fixed rate mortgage? So I’m guessing that means he can only get an adjustable rate mortgage. And with those, I mean, you’ve still got a certain amount of time they’re fixed. And you can always in that certain amount of time, you know, try to get yourself a fixed rate mortgage out of it. So you know, it’s if you can’t get a fixed rate mortgage, for some reason, it doesn’t mean you can’t get into the real estate.
Jason Hartman 24:40
Yeah, yeah, of course, right now, we highly recommend you get a fixed rate mortgage for three decades. I mean, it’s just a phenomenal opportunity, right? Because the debt is so cheap, but overall, if for some reason you want to take an adjustable rate mortgage for a short period of time, you know, then refinance. Before rates go up, you know, you’ll get a lower rate initially, but you got to be careful because the likelihood is, and this is never for sure. And I’ve been lousy at predicting interest rates. By the way, I just got to point that out. That’s my one area where I’ve not been good. The likelihood is rates will be higher in the future. I mean, they are artificially low, no one can deny that.
Adam 25:21
Alright, so we have a question from julu. Who said, thanks for the video, will the housing price go down ever, back to pre COVID price? Thanks. Now, this is something that I covered in the recent live stream when Jason couldn’t make it. And the housing prices will go down at some point. Unfortunately, I’m concerned about when that Sunday will happen at this point, because as I mentioned, on the live stream, so many fundamentals are against a decrease in housing prices. So many commodity prices are high supplies are plummeting, you know, you do have the potential forbearance run out
Jason Hartman 26:00
and for collection, moratoriums ending, no problem.
Adam 26:05
And so I mean, that could bring a little bit of supply onto the market. But at this point in time with the number of forbearances, they are, it’s way lower than people were saying it could have been at the beginning. So the supply isn’t going to gush onto the market. And even if it does, right now, I saw a graphic from that was sent to me yesterday, housing supply across the country is down 40%, year over year. So even if we get, you know, a 20% increase, we’re still 20% down. And so all of the factors are lining up, and eventually, you know, the regulatory environment will lead to builders building more, I assume, at some point, you know, eventually commodity prices will flatten or maybe even drop a little bit, you know, eventually something will happen in our society that will cause a crash, or a drop in some way back to pre COVID prices. You know, it’s gonna be tough. It’s gonna be tough.
Jason Hartman 27:02
Yeah, you know, you’ve got to ask yourself, folks, what will cause prices to go down? The inventory is so scarce, and the construction materials have run up so high in price that even with a dump of inventory, and I’ve looked at a lot of analysis on this, I’ve looked at, you know, that analysis with Ken McElroy, who’s more bearish than I am, I’m quite bullish for a while, I think things are going to be pretty amazing. For a while the market can absorb a lot more inventory, even if there is a sudden increase in supply, with foreclosure moratoriums, which probably won’t be acute, they would probably be staggered or staged out, you know, if there’s a lot of foreclosures in the pipeline, the market can just gobble that inventory up with no problem. I mean, probably about a week. I mean, yeah, it’s it’s like, there’s just no shortage of demand at all. I was on television recently. And they were interviewing me about the administration and what they’re doing and, and you know, this idiotic idea that Biden has that he wants to give first time buyers a $15,000, housing credit, tax credit for housing, that is the stupidest idea in the universe, what that will do is it will instantly cause prices to go up by $15,000, maybe more, because it will just create more demand, what they ought to be doing is figuring out how to create more supply, what we need is supply. So how about this Biden? How about if you put pressure on municipalities to ease building restrictions? Okay, how about if you give developers some tax credits, so they’re incentivized to build more, or, you know, just do something that eases the supply chain? How about if you cut, you know, very burdensome environmental regulations that aren’t allowing, you know, the lumber producers to produce enough wood or the steel producers to produce enough steel? You know, that’s what you need to do is create more supply. I mean, you know, in the politically correct sphere, People Keep Talking about systemic racism. Well, you know, what we have, we have a systemic housing shortage, okay, fix the supply problem. The demand is there. You don’t need to give people a tax credit to buy a house, they all want to buy a house, okay? There’s no you don’t need to incentivize that. That’s idiotic. You need to incentivize supply, work on the supply chain, and make it easier to build. That’s what you need to do. Okay, so
Adam 29:40
that’s the thing you got to do. And especially, you know, you look at the first time homebuyers, they really need to be incentivizing the building of homes under $300,000. Absolutely. Right now, if you’re a builder, building it, I mean, I’m, I’m genuinely impressed we can source inventory under new inventory under 300,000. Because the profits on Those are so so much smaller than if you build a 567 $100,000 house or more. Yeah, that builders, they look at under 300,000. And they just ask themselves, why bother? Yeah, you know. And so if you really want to help the first time homebuyers, you’ve got to almost flood the market with homes under 300 250,000. So that they can be purchased. We have years before that happens. Oh, it’s it’s never
Jason Hartman 30:25
the shortage is so severe. The other thing I want to say about this is just remember that the other thing that would cause prices to soften is higher interest rates, right. So higher interest rates mean, affordability declines. And so prices tend to soften true, right? supply demand, right? Just simple economics. But understand that 1% in interest rate is equal to about 10% in price. Okay? So if rates go up by 2%, the price of the house has to come down by 20%. that’s unlikely folks, that will take a long time to work its way through the system. So all of these folks sitting on the sidelines missing the market, they’re angry, I get it, you know, they’re jealous they right hit and run comments on YouTube. Oh, you’re stupid. You know, you don’t know the markets about to crash. Good luck, folks. Because you know, you’ve missed the market. And because all these same people were saying this 10 years ago, and they were saying it eight years ago, and they were saying it five years ago and they were saying it definitely last year. Okay with with the COVID lockdowns, okay. And they’re still upset that they have missed every opportunity, folks, you can rationalize your way out of any decision in life you ever want to. But the fact is, if you look at I’m old enough to know now, I’ve watched it play out in the course of many people’s lives, people who do things who make decisions, there’s just this propensity toward action that always gets rewarded in life. So don’t be that person who doesn’t take action, that the world belongs to those who make decisions and take action. Okay, that’s just the way it is, you know, there’s an old Zen saying I like very much to know, and not to do is to not yet know. So there’s all these know it alls out there. Right? They know everything. They’re right, they can win every argument, right? But to know when not to do is to not yet know. Okay? The people who do things are the people who really know things. And life always seems to reward them, disproportionately. So anyway, I know we got to wrap it up, Adam, folks, I hope this is helpful to you. And Adam, thanks for being here. Any thoughts you want to share? As we wrap it up,
Adam 32:50
I would just say, you know, I was talking with another investment counselor, Sarah, yesterday about kind of what people are looking at number wise. And I mentioned that on live streams before really, when you’re looking at your returns these days, you know, you’re going to see a much, much, much lower return than you would if you were looking at it one to two years ago, the returns have just been compressed because of the run up in price. So now, you really have to look at your property today at purchase time, and your property in two to three years, purchase wise and look at how your return will be over that span. And not just what are the first 12 months going to give me because the first 12 months at this point with the rise in prices. And with the rents slowly catching up. The first year is not going to look fantastic, you know, pretty much anywhere you look no matter what market you’re in. But the second year, you need to look and see what’s the rent, then like what’s the rent increase been like? What is it likely to be? And then what are my returns going to be after that? And when you look at it that way, you’ll become much happier investor. When you see Oh, my goodness, you know, this home I bought a year ago is running for $75 a year more now, or a month now that make my returns fantastic. So when your rent renewal comes around, guess what? You know, even if you just raise it by 50 or $60, not 75 you’re in a good place.
Jason Hartman 34:11
Yeah. And if you’re not understanding why $75 is so significant, because I can just hear people who are doing well making good money if their business or career thinking this is stupid, like you’re talking about 75 bucks, that’s like nothing, right? That’s not true. Okay? You got to understand how to do the math, okay. And I would highly recommend that you watch I got a free video for everybody. It’s, it’s about well, we’ve changed a little bit. It’s about 3030 ish minutes now. And it’s on the front page at Jason It’s totally free, no strings attached. If there is one video, you must see it is this one which is how to analyze Real estate deal, it goes through every number on the Performa. And this will make you a much much better investor. So please go to Jason Hartman calm, do yourself a favor. It’s the speed class in real estate investing it really is. And just watch this one video, take 30 minutes. And that will make you a fantastic real estate investor. Just that one video alone will really really help you. So check that out. It’s again, right at Jason on the front page. Adam, good comments. Good questions. Thanks for the questions, everybody. We’ll get to more of them next time. And thank you all for joining us and we just want to wish you happy investing.
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